Godfrey, L. 2021 “Late Holocene changes in Madagascar's large vertebrates: Recent cave findings offer insights into what caused the extinction of some megafauna” Natural History magazine, November issue, pp. 9-11. Link to .pdf

Miller, M. 2021 “Shift in caribou movements may be tied to human activity”


PBS Eons, 2020 “When Giant Lemurs Ruled Madagascar”


Features findings of Crowley and Godfrey (2013) publication in the South African Journal of Science. doi: 10.1590/sajs.2013/1346.

2019 Participant in “Science around Cincy” educational video series for regional high school students.

https://sciaroundcincy.com/; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMVPnycAwVw&t=118s

Anderson, C. 2019 ‘Downtown's Mercantile Library to host lecture series on climate change”


Miller, M. 2019 “UC discovers new way of tracking jaguars” www.uc.edu/news/articles/2019/08/n20852487.html

•This article led to an interview with WVXU in October 2019


Rees, D. 2019. “Geology, anthropology professor shares passion for nature through photography, research”. The News Record. https://www.newsrecord.org/news/geology-anthropology-professor-shares-passion-for-nature-through-photography-research/

Schefft, M. 2019 “Earth, wind, flora sway Trinidad sulfur levels”


Miller, M. 2018 “UC study: Prehistoric horses were homebodies. Geochemical analysis of fossils suggests horses in Florida did not make epic migrations”


Miller, M. 2017 “Hope for Goshawks”


Miller, M. 2017 “Commuting at the Top of the World”


Fuller, D. 2015 “New Study Highlights Valuable Tool for Studying Living and Extinct Animals: Findings could support a number of fields from animal poaching to paleoecology”


•This research is also highlighted in the New Historian:

Worthington, D. 2015 “ New tool for studying extinct mammals”


Schefft, M. 2015 “Lemur Teeth Help Take a Bite Out of Madagascar’s Mysteries”


Papandrea, D. 2015 "The most awarded professors in the State of Ohio"


Robinette, T. 2014 “Mammoth and Mastodon Behavior Was Less Roam, More Stay at Home”


•This article led to interviews for Cincinnati radio stations WVXU and WCPO in July 2014.

•The research story is also highlighted on livescience.com:            

Geggel, L. 2014 “Mammoths and mastodons of the Ohio Valley were homebodies”


Pasquinucci, R. 2014 “UC Creates Climate Change Exhibit in the Cincinnati Museum Center”


UC Faculty Members Partner with Cincinnati Museum Center


Science for the People Radio Show, Episode #246 “Last Ape Standing”


Robinette, T. 2013 “UC Research Looks at How Fate of Tiny Lemurs Could Be Linked to Forest Health”


Gosselin, D.C. 2013 “Transforming the teaching of geoscience and sustainability” EOS 94(25): 221-222.

Hand, G. 2013 “Plants Keep Spines Long After Their Grazer Went Extinct”


Hand, G. 2012 “Stable Isotopes May Unravel Dry Forest Ecology”


Reilly, M.B. 2012 “Lemur lessons: factors driving lemur species extinctions for past 2,000 years have also sparked ongoing 'ecological retreat’ by surviving species”


Varney, R. 2011 “New UC professor uses the past to see the future”


Sohn, E., 2007 “The littlest lemurs, science news for kids”


Lubick, N., 2005 “Horses’ mouths date Sierra Nevada uplift”, Geotimes


Media Attention

Miller M., 2021 “Feather chemistry helps track origin of birds”

https://www.uc.edu/news/articles/2021/09/feather-analysis-allows-     researchers-to-track-wide-ranging-hawks-and-falcons.html

•This article inspired a spinoff for kids in the outdoors section

of the Billings Gazette: “Feathers reveal clues to a bird's birth

place” by Brett French: https://mtstandard.com/outdoors     /just-for-kids/feathers-reveal-clues-to-a-birds-birthplace/article     _8ca2db13-1810-5825-bcc1-793bafd5bf91.html

Crowley, B.E. 2023 “How many people does it take to run a field trip? Reflections on a collaborative experience working with a public school, a Cincinnati Great Park, and fantastic colleagues” https://ucengagingscience.org/2023/10/24/how-many-people-does-it-take-to-run-a-field-trip/

Miller, M. 2023 “How to track animal of legend? Look to the poop”  


This article was picked up by the following:

* The local news in Belize: https://edition.channel5belize.com/

* The Revelator (a news and ideas initiative of the Center for Biological Diversity): Lohan, T. 2023, “What can we learn from jaguar poop? A lot!” https://therevelator.org/jaguars-belize-scat/

Miller, M. 2023 “Madagascar's hippos were forest dwellers”


Miller, M. 2022 “UC study is first of its kind to reveal annual migration patterns of extinct Ice Age animals”


This article was picked up by multiple other organizations, including:     

* The New York Times https://www.nytimes.com/2022/06/13/science/mastodon-tusk-migration.html  

* “All things considered” on National Public Radio      


* Atlas Obscura https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/mastodon-indiana-fred-buesching

* SciShow (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JC5LlkUYAR4

* Article in Science Journal for Kids “What can tusks tell us about the lives of mastodons?” www.sciencejournalforkids.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/mastodon_article.pdf